




     Identity and dialog


         in communities




 University and Reserch


Education  Infancy

Centers of Reserch and Educationals Experimentation

European Net Education Work

European Research Training Innovation Management Enterprise

Hight Formation in Human and Social Sciences

Education in Art and Creativity

Scientific Mathematics and Informatics

Educations to the Languages and Cultures

Information in Formation's Quality




32 Annual Conference of the Society of Educators and Scholars


March 27-28, 2009 - Universidad de Monterrey, Monterrey, Mexico





Istituzione: I.S.P.E.F. – Istituto di Scienze Psicologiche dell’Educazione e della Formazione

E.C.E. – European Center of Education






A Model of Preschool Education:


A International Project  ISPEF – UDEM




A.   A Educational Model of


Quality services for infancy and their families on the education-oriented communities and active citizenship


In our society is become essential an educational development on “child scale” (already theorized by M.Montessori in the first years of ‘900) and “families and educators in Educational Community” (already theorized by J.Dewey on the first years of ‘900) through the realization of a Educational Network, formed by children, families, educators, infancy services management, able to transmit culture and knowledge, by giving identity and common and shared values in the actual Society.


The R.E.AL.IN.FO ( Latin America-Europe Net of Research  and Training) ( and R.E.E.I.  -Infancy Education Europe Net (www.R.E.E.I..ue)  wants to pay attention to the need of Education of Children-Families-Educators-Managers of infancy to realize the Educational Community in the Society of XXI Century.

Without Educational Community we can’t have society, but only people who live in the same place without sharing common values. R.E.AL.IN.FO. and R.E.E.I. is the first and the most important Educational Community  able to involve infancy , the neo families, educators, managers in a training project of life and ordinary realization of cultural identity of the social group that one belongs to.

The R.E.AL.IN.FO. and R.E.E.I. is a international space of meeting and comparison, where people share and realize the training project of  Educational Community, to improve the quality of educational service and children and families life, in the context where he works.

The realization of R.E.AL.IN.FO and R.E.E.I. allows to realise an international and steady structure that allows to promote, to make projects, to research, to innovate, to experiment and to value good practice, the quality of infancy service and the involvement of families in educational activities with children aged 0-6, with the organizational forms of the European countries and in the Latin American countries involved, which join to the networks.


The R.E.E.I. and the R.E.AL.IN.FO. have the concrete aims of:

-          realize Educational Communities for the education of infancy as regard children aged 0-6;

-          promote and experiment innovative services for infancy, good practices and new methods of management of the working activity of the better operators;

-          research and realize new pedagogic models, and architectonic structures for the education of children aged 0-6;

-          increase the educational development of children and guarantee to everyone the same opportunities as regard training and playing in didactics laboratories, centres of interests, libraries, through a personalized path;

-          the construction of an Educational Community, the dynamic participation educators-children-families and the involvement of social activities of the context where one works in;

-          the involvement of families, of grandparents and social community in services for infancy;

-          analysis of Cultural Models of families, Educators and Responsible of services for infancy;

-          definition of criterions and indicators of Management Quality: direction, paedriatics, educational psychology coordinator, responsible of services;

-          definition of criterions and indicators of Quality of Structure: spaces, furniture, context, security, health, logistic, buildings, functional materials, didactic materials;

-          definition of criterions and indicators of Training Quality: didactic paths, educational methodologies with children, communicational techniques with families, planning and valuation of didactic-educational activities, cognitive-relational-sensorial- motor-emotional development;

-          to develop the learning of different languages, creativity and artistic ideation, logic for the use of computer and audiovisual instruments, so that children can become active citizens and realize a social identity of XXI Century.


In particular, Networks R.E.AL.IN.FO. and R.E.E.I. wants to develop:

1.      Analysis of politics, of good practices and services for the infancy for all the countries that participate and belong to Union European and Latin America and in particular in the Countries partners of  R.E.AL.IN.FO. and R.E.E.I.

2.      Studying and starting of researches to identify educational-innovative models, dynamics and flexible to the contexts of every territory and every counties;

3.      Experimentation, diffusion of good practices in the ambit of organisation of pre-scholastic services.

4.      The diffusion and the valorisation of good practices about training of educators, about the quality of training proposal and of children development, about organizational quality of services, about the involvement of social context.


The objectives of the Networks regard mainly:

• the exchange of knowledge and information about laws, politics, programs, statistical data, studies, researches and good practices that regards infancy in their own countries.

• the development and the experimentation of methodologies and good practices to obtain information comparable to experiment new pedagogic methodologies.

• The organisation of comparison and exchange meetings  with the involvement of all the people involved in the educational process;

• the realization and diffusion of results about themes that regards infancy.


For realize this objectives, it will be started the process of comparison of good practices that regards the various educational possibilities, which regards the organizational choices of services for infancy from the educational responsible and from direction, to the involvement of family in the educational path, until the relationship between educator and children: essential elements to make the participation successful and to guarantee an innovation as regard the educational offer.

Afterwards will faces the question of services quality for infancy, that is the main theme of the debate about social and educational politics, both in international ambit. There are many researches that have been made many years ago about this theme. This researches regard the analysis of the different social and educational services, the needs of development of children and the need to support parents.

During the latest  decade, others services for infancy have been affirmed, this services want to offer moments of playing and socialisation between coetaneous to the children that belong to this age, and support the educational role of their parents.

This services, that are mentioned in the normative as “integrative services for infancy”, distinguish social and educational services addressed to families. They are different because of their variability and flexibility, both of organizational model that the specific objectives that every service wants to reach. The valuation of the quality of this services, where the regional and local administration are called because of law, presents some new elements of methods and contents, interesting elements also for the scientific research.

The Networks R.E.AL.IN.FO. and R.E.E.I. wants to analyse this ambit and value the features of the services and their role, by comparing different experiences through the creation of an international network.

In this prospective it will be involved the families in the analysis of the quality of the training path of the educational group and  in the aspects of administrative and organizational management is a fundamental elements to make the participation successful and to guarantee an innovation as regard the production of the educational offer. It allows the realization of the EDUCATIONAL COMMUNITY.

The variety of innovative and integrative services for infancy regards the kind of service, the kind of management, the educational-didactic development of children, the staff training, the creation of the Educational Community in the context where one works.

In this optic, it’s important for the realization of the Networks R.E.AL.IN.FO. and R.E.E.I., the creation of a network of institutions lied to traditional services for infancy, integrative and innovative, where is supposed to be increased the participation of parents during all the phases of the educational path proposed from the services for infancy themselves. Is very important to show off the cooperation parent-institution, by realizing educational practices and promoting the active role of parents, during the educational path of his son. During this years the International National and regional politics, pay more attention to the valorisation  of family not even as a person who uses the services, but also active agent which promote them in the territory.

The guide-lines of the programs of good practices in the ambit of preschool services, pay attention  to the welfare, the development and the learning of the child, by respecting the activities and the spontaneous learning.

To obtain this, are requested some structure which guarantee and govern the quality of the system and of services ECEC (Early Childhood Education and Care): the guide lines must be applied in all the services and curricular orientations universally shared.

To reach this objectives of pedagogic quality, it must be established the publics and private financings, by paying attention to the children who need specific supports, besides, in the program for all, the resources for children with various rights of learning with tax measures, social and politic of work.

To support the quality of services is necessary to improve the working and professional condition of the people who work and guarantee self-government, resources and support to the infancy services.


R.E.AL.IN.FO. and R.E.E.I. wants to realize the charter of Infancy Rights of ONU and the guide lines of European Commission about the quality in Infancy services (elaborated from may 1992) in an optic of permanent training of infancy educators, by developing partnerships networks between bodies of different nations that work in the territory, national and international.

R.E.AL.IN.FO. and R.E.E.I. aims to the improvement of children quality of life, of their parents, educators, infancy and families services, for the realization of a Educational Community that forms the new citizens for the Society of XXI century.


The results that R.E.AL.IN.FO. and R.E.E.I. wants to reach are:

* to realize researches about good practices and analyse their educational- organizational- contextual features

* to create a international site and promote a community of practice able to elaborate innovative projects of experimentation;

* promote and implement good practices and projects of research and experimentation;

* build international dynamics models of innovative and integrative services in the infancy education, that pay attention to peculiarity and contexts of every country,

* value the process and the results obtained from the experimentations realized;

* validate the services present in the different countries and realize counselling for the certification of training quality.


The activity of infancy service aims to identify and favourite the expression of children “ in different moments of their evolutional process in a context of continuity and educational coherence, also by considering the different situations and individuality”.

The service for infancy, explained as frame where it develops a network of reception formed by space, time, what the educators do, relationship between equals, the educational climate, wants to assist the parents functions as regard the must to give an answer to some essential needs of children. In this years has come out a social situation that put as essential some points like: the necessity to support the increasing of birth, as regard the demographic ambit characterized by a big decline in the birth rate., a social complex context that requests to the parents more competence as regard their role, the importance to pay attention to the family, in relation to politics.


So, infancy services are, or may be, a space- time to “stop together and think about” the growth of their own children and familiar life, and both to his own social role and his own professional identity.

From this introduction, the Networks R.E.AL.IN.FO. and R.E.E.I are supposed to realize the exchange of learning and news about laws, politics, programs, statistics date, researches and good practices that regard infancy services from 0 to 6 years old, the diffusion of studies and researches that regard infancy and politics in favour of family based on an interdisciplinary and comparative approach; the exchange of learning about methodologies and indicators to obtain news compatibles; the organisation of meetings and studying days about themes that regard infancy.

In this point of view, R.E.AL.IN.FO. and REEI wants to deepen, through cultural and educational aids from all the persons which work in the educational process, the configuration of infancy services. Through dialog and exchange between different realities, it wants to realize the identity of infancy services, known not only like a concept reached for good, but as an element that develops, that needs to be modified , synthesis between passed history and wish to begin, but also synthesis between contributions and experiences.

The cognitive phase will be realised with the aim to underline the good practices of innovation/improving and the cores of criticism and, at the same time, to identify the possible essential elements in the ambit of politics and of educational projects addressed to infancy in Countries that have partners who take part to Networks R.E.AL.IN.FO. and R.E.E.I. A look into the instruments used in the different Countries, will allow to elaborate proposals and projects for the development of a better organization of infancy services. The comparative analysis between traditional and innovative systems, besides, allow to identify positive and winner aspects, that the experimentation of new services for family underlines in those years in different social realities, as an answer to the new needs of flexibility from families.

From the 90’s, the exchange of good practices between different realities that work in infancy services, puts itself in the dimension of the “good design”, by having what needs to be preserved and by giving more importance to the positive and winner experiences.

MAKE NETWORK: between the different reality that work in the educational sector for infancy , it becomes the restitution of news and experiences at who live daily the service, as operator or as parent, in an optics that valorises the research as essential element of the educator characterized from curiosity, tricky, criticism. So, the research make knowledge increase and develops the ability to experiment, by analysing the directions of societies and cultures.

To favour  the knowledge of the different planning and organizations modalities existents in the social realities means, also, an increase of the awareness of his own professional role and the reinforcing of the educator identity and of the service for infancy as regard history, specifics and intentional sphere. The impact of the project, in this point of view, must be considered as sensibility to the educational themes, to the relation with the child, the support to parents.

The most important objective of the Networks is to start an analysis and a critic comparison about the national and international experiences about politics, the services and the research addressed to infancy and to family. In particular it will pay attention on how the services are able to give an answer to the needs of families and the possibility that the parents have to take part in the educational project and, at the same time, to be supported.




B. Model of Preschool Education:



The Model of Preschool Education: CHILDHOOD AND FAMILY CENTRE (CFC) wants to pay attention to the need to build the Educational Community in the social ambient. Without Educational Community we can’t have society, but only people who live in the same place without sharing common values. That is true in the present Global Society of the XXI Century.

The CFC is a space of meeting, where people share and realize the training project of Educational Community, to improve the quality of educational service and children and families life, in the social context.

The training path of CFC is very useful, because allows the realization of a Pact of Quality of the Educational Community to develop the welfare of citizens, by putting together a synergic action between Municipal Administrators, Direction of services for infancy and Families , to obtain the following results:

?     Adapt the Services for infancy to the evaluatives  parameters of “quality of services”, by guarantee criterions, standards and the modalities useful  to reach them.

?     Realize the “quality of Services for infancy” through the result of interaction between all the parts that form the “Educational Community”: children, operators, families, social and politic forces.

?     Promote innovative changes as regard the organisation of services on the basis of the results of experimentations made in the optic of improvement of the quality of the offered service.


To minimum three years is need to realize a Project for understand and start up the CFC.

In 1st year, the Project’s objective is the start up and implementation of research on the best practices that exist in the social context and an analisys about their role and social-educational function, in order to elaborate the workpackage for the realisation of a EDUCATIONAL COMMUNITY through the Pact of Quality children-families-educators-managers of services.


In 2nd and 3th year, the objective’s Project is to realize:



A. The institution of INFANCY CENTRES or the modification of structures already alive in conformity to quality and regulation of childhood’s centre, organized into:

-         CHILDHOOD HOUSE for children of 0-3 years

-         CHILDHOOD SCHOOL for children of 3-6- years


B. The institution of the FAMILY’S CENTRE,  typified to education of parents, children-parents relations and to implications of grandparents into childhood centre for the formation of an EDUCATION COMMUNITY;


C. The realization of the ISPEF certification Quality’s Model of Pre-school Institution to improve the education quality of: children., families, teachers and directors of the Centre.


2) Of the university formation about the teaching’s  professionalism in the Pre-School Education that is articulated in the following  educational  pathway:

1)                 The Teaching’s Professionalism features;

2)                 The “Acclimatization” Methodology ;

3)                 The Educational Insertion;

4)                 The Communication and the Rules of the children in the classroom;

5)                 The  “Observation- Listening” technique;

6)                 The Planning Methodology;

7)                 The Profiles and the Roles of the children in the classroom;

8)                 The Social- Relational Map and Project;

9)                 The Mental Universe;

10)             The Children Cognitive Style




       C. Regulation of INFANCY CENTRE



Our society is quickly transforming its organization and the human existence, changing individual’s lifestyles, needs and expectations; particularly, child’s life and social expectations about them are radically changed in the last decades. Further, the society is became multicultural and multi-ethnic.

So, the infancy services function of values, uses, cultural and scientific knowledge of social belonging group transmission is become very important. Further, as is sanctioned in the International Child’s Charter of Rights, child must be considered autonomous individual, with educational right, inalienable to life, education, instruction and to the respect of individual. Ethnic, linguistic, cultural, religious identity, on witch is founded the promotion of a new life quality, considered as a great educational aim in the present time.

So, is very important to promote and support the development and the qualification of services system for the infancy, 0-6 years age, and for their family, with a particular mention to CHILDHOOD AND FAMILY CENTRE (CFC), and to their integrative services, to qualify the general guide-lines for their realization and management, in an institutional place called Infancy Centre.

Infancy Centres are conceived as trainings institution of public utility and so they take social roles and functions in the constructions of news generations, compared  to roles and functions of scholastic institutions.


Article 1



Infancy Centres have an educational and social function of public utility, witch aim is to receive child till 6 years old, effectively concurring with families to their education and training.

Infancy Centres are a part of entire complex at first infancy education and family policy of Local Institutions.

Infancy Centres aim’s are:

1.      to promote and implement children’s right and the defence of their healthy development;

2.      to improve child’s cognitive, affective, personals and socials potentials, assuring them preventive sanitary and psycho-pedagogic assistance;

3.      to realize educational and training services for the infancy of quality, both in organization and realization of daily activities;

4.      to cooperate with families to facilitate an harmonious development of infant personality;

5.      to sensitize, form and socialize all the community about infancy problematic and about families policy, so as develop parent’s awareness, pedagogic professionalism in infancy operators and social consciousness in community;

6.      to realize activities made to children, families and social community measure, to support life quality;

7.      to promote, project and manage experimentations and researches about educational services and structures that work with infancy and families.

Infancy Centres can be realized by the following structures:

1.      Childhood Houses for children of 0-3 years.

2.      Integrative Services made of:

-         Child-Families Centres

-         “Ludoteche” (Place Playing)

-         Domiciliary Education.

3. Childhood School for children of 3-6- years.



Article 2



Infancy Centre is the first educational institution that has the task to offer an involving and important educational service both for children till 6 years old and for their family and the community they live in.


Infancy Centre is supposed to provide, to elaborate and realize a continuous renovation of families’ needs, hopes and activities concerning infancy, about daily children’s life quality (educators, baby-sitters, grandparents, etc.), about particular situations of troubles, social risk and alienation, about family and children’s dynamics.

Infancy Centre is supposed to realize educational and playing activity with o-3 years old children, promoting, at the same time, social communication of families and  the daily life quality of social community, in the prospective of infancy, for the improvement of individual, family and social welfare. These activities are very important for the qualification of infancy service and they give it peculiarities and educational-trainings values.


In this prospective, Infancy Centres are social institutions of public utility witch allow children to develop their abilities and personality in order to obtain  the following aims:


a.       MATURUTY OF IDENTITY: reinforcement of child personal identity, as regards the aspect of bodily, intellectual and psycho-dynamic development. This causes the promotion of an always more open social life, and the progressive refining of cognitive abilities. That instructive prospect require and stimulate in children the growth an indispensable behaviour of safety,  of himself esteem, of confidence in himself abilities, of  motivation to curiosity,  of living himself affective conditions in a balanced and positive way.


b.      ACHIEVEMENT OF AUTONOMY: develop of children ability to orientate himself and to make autonomous choice in different social and normative situations, in the necessary recognition of dependences that are inborn and operative in the reality of natural and social habitat. It’s important to improve freedom of thought, also like a form of respect of personal differences and of different points of view.


c.       COMPETENCES DEVELOPMENT: strengthening of sensorial, perceptive, motor and intellective abilities, committing him to the first forms of reorganization of  experience and of exploration and reconstruction of reality.


This is what is also expressed in Regulations of Motherly Schools, regarding 3-6 years old children, deliberated in 1991 from the Italian Ministry of Education. These acquisitions must be extended also to Infancy Centres, with children aged from 1 to 6..

Infancy Centres main characterises are:

-         To give children an instruction, care and socialization place, in the prospective of their psycho-physic health and of their cognitive, affective potentialities develop;

-         To let families take care of their children in a outward context than that of family, by leaving them daily and continually to different persons from parents , with a specific professional competences;

-         To support and integrate the families’ activities of taking care of children and making educational chooses, also to promote the concordance of professional and family chooses of both parents, in a context of equal opportunities between two sexes.

In relation to the educational choices and the social professional conditions of parents and local needs, Infancy Centre can predict the organizational modalities and working diversified and flexible both respect to the times of services, both in relation to their receptivity, learning that the elaboration of pedagogic project specifics in relation to the different organizational forms.

Childhood House, together with the Childhood School ( that works with children aged from 3 to 6 years old) should be structured in a training and educational institution for infancy.


Article 3



        Integrative Services are places with educational, playing, cultural and social features, addressed to children, also together with their parents or other adults companions.

          This services aim to increase the action of Local Institutions to the Infancy needs, guarantee flexible answers in relation to the needs of family and of children through personalised solutions as regard the structural and organizational plan.

          The typologies and the features of the Integrative Service are:

1.                      The Centres children – families: are places of reception of children together with their parents, or adults companions, in a context that guarantees occasions of socialisation and playing for children, also of meeting and communication for adults, in places well organised from a staff that has specific and professional competences, in a logic of joint responsibility between adults and educators;

2.                      “Ludoteche” Playing Centres: they are specialized structures that allow a daily reception of children aged from 18 months to 6 years age, which are under specialized educators charge, for a maximum time of 5 hours for day, structured in order to allow a flexible and diversified frequency, also in a non- continuative way, in relation to the needs of consumers. This services guarantee a place where they take care of children, organised in order to give them educational opportunities, of socialisation and communication with their coetaneous.

3.                      House Education: the Local Institutions , working with a staff which have professional requirements, are able to realize services in the houses of families with children aged till 3 years old, available to work together and to make the house places available for the educators, in a continuative and steady way, of the taking care of their sons for educators with specific professional features and, that is to say, well trained for this aim. This service can also be realized in the educator’s house.

          In the realization of the Childhood House, the Integrative Service and Childhood School, it can be designed and realized combined solutions, in order to predict an increasing of the opportunities offer to the children and to the families in the same structure and allow a totally use of the same.


Article 4



         Infancy Centres form the system of educational services for the primary infancy, known as:

-         Territorial educational centres able to guarantee a plurality of offers,

-         Places of comparison for parents, of elaboration and of promotion of an infancy culture, also through the involving of the local community.

The aim of the Infancy Centres is to offer places and moments of meeting in order to promote and develop a diffuse psychic and social welfare, in order to realize an educational community where children, families, adults and educational operators, exchange their life experiences and learn to known the others, to live together, to work and to enjoy themselves together.


The relation between educational services and family is essential for the constitutions of an efficacy Educational Community. As the theories of the Motherly School of the Italian Ministry of Public Instruction 1991 affirms: “the need of education can be reached when the family.....and the others training figures cooperate in a relation of integration and continuity”.

“The family represents the primary context where the child, learning to order and to distinguish the daily experiences and to give them value and meaning, gradually acquire the abilities to make sense of reality, he structures logic and affective categories, he moves into the valuation of human relationships and he learns to the sharing of rules and of models of interpersonal relationships through the internalization of behaviour rules and their progressive structuring in a system of personal values”.

         The influence of Infancy Centres on familiar experiences and, vice versa, the actions of parents in the didactics activities with children, allow to make them live these activities as an extension of the familiar and social ambient. By this way, Infancy Centres and Integrative Services are lived as a learning and socialising laboratory, where , the ordinary activities that children do in the familiar and social ambient, are organised.


                        Article 5




         The Local Institutions are supposed to realize the functions and the connections with bodies and public and private institutions, to use the human, economic and cultural resources present in the territory, receiving, undertaking and elaborating the essential news of the infancy situation. The learning are periodically compared between the different bodies and social institutions.

            As regard the ambit of the largest integration of the actions, the Infancy Centres realize the continuity with the others educational services, in particular with the Primary School, and with the social and sanitary services of the Local Institutions, in a logic connection and interaction between the different competences.

            The institutions that organise Infancy Centres try also to prevent every kind of marginalization that comes from a psycho – physical and social disadvantage, defending and guarantee , in particular , the right of the disabled children or in situations of relational and social – cultural discomfort.

            Local Institutions research an effective collaboration between the Infancy Centre and the different services for infancy presents in all the territory, for the realization of an high training offer and educational quality to children.

            Infancy Centres realize educational and didactics paths in continuity with the familiar and social activities and with the planning of the Primary Schools for the children of the territory.

            For this aim, the Local Bodies, through conventions and agreement protocols, can realize the necessaries kind of collaborations where, it will be affirmed, further, modalities and operative instruments to guarantee:

-         the continuity of the training-educational project between the Infancy Centres and the Primary Schools;

-         the coordination of the need and the offer of the educational – training service on the territory;

-         the reinforcing of the quality of the didactic and training actions;

-         way of communication and connection between the different Infancy Centres on the territory;

-         the promotion of activities organised on the training and the  professional update of the staff that works in the Infancy Centres.


                         Article 6



         The Infancy Centre has to be an ambient of socialisation and a context of individual promotion of:

- Life experiences, for a social integration in daily activities ( to know how to do);

- Playing, to develop the personality in relation to reality (to know how to be);

- Learning; for the evolution of the specific abilities of infancy (to be able to known).

The Infancy Centre is a place of learning and a social ambient of daily and playing experience , for the improving of the quality of children’s life.

            How is said by the theories of the primary school of the Department of Public Instruction of 1991: “ The promotion of the quality of the child’s life is lied with the achievement of a better kind of living of the community in general and of the adults in particular. So, the new educational model is supposed to make the Infancy Centre itself  a place of learning, of socialisation, of animation, referring to the needs of social microsystems and of the zones culturally disadvantaged, in an atmosphere of positive affection and playing.




Article 7



         The Municipal administration can organise the Infancy Centre directly or through firms, societies, associations and/or cooperatives lowest bidder of a contract, as the law says.

            The Infancy Centre can be organised also from private bodies.

            The body manager guarantees the regular working of the Infancy Centre, by assuring the coordination with the other educational structures and with the remaining services Maternal Nursery, in the ambit of his territory, in relation to the plans of action for the prevention, care and premature diagnosis of handicaps.

            For this aims, it provides in particular to:

1)      approve, in relation to the Council of the Infancy Centre, the budget and the final balance of the general purchases of working of infancy centres, that include the modality for the determination and eventual fees;

2)      approve, in relation to the Council of the Infancy Centre, the annual and weekly calendar of the service, the period and the during of eventual suspensions, that doesn’t overcome the solar year, as well as  the time and the daily during of it, in relation to the social-economic needs of consumers;

3)      check the assignment of the available places, by approving the relative classification and the eventual following declines;

4)      guarantee sanitary assistance, educational psychology and the hygienic-sanitary vigilance, through the relative services of the Local Health Corporation;

5)      realize an assurance for accidents, permanent and temporary invalidity, death, for all the children of the Infancy Centre and for the whole during of their permanence in the structure;

6)      assure the annual professional update and the permanent formation of the operators;

7)       check and control the connection between service quality and needs of the consumers. The body manager is supposed to realize periodic organizational conventions.


                         Article 8

                                THE STAFF OF THE INFANCY CENTRE


         The staff of the Infancy Centre is divided in relation to the function it has, in:

-         PEDAGOGIC COORDINATOR: a staff who has professional competences as regard the management of the Infancy Centre;

-         EDUCATORS: staff with specific educational and professional competences;

-         OPERATORS FOR THE GENERAL SERVICES: staff of administration and who is supposed to cook, custody, cleanliness, laundry service, etc.


The staff activity of the Infancy Centre works in relation to the principles of the project sharing, of collegiality, and of the methodology of working group, in order to improve the value the professional contribute and the productive use of human resources of everyone. This activity must be realized in collaboration with families, in order to guarantee the continuity of educational actions.

If there is an indirect management, it will be communicated to the competent department the list of the staff with specific professionalism and duties, as it’s established from the laws in force and from the national and regional referring contracts .

The staff have to respect the hygienic-sanitary laws in force and is supposed not to have possible infections.


Article 9



         The subjects managers of the Infancy Centres improve to value the role of families as active subjects; assuring to them the higher information about the management of services and the wider participation, as instrument of sharing of the educational choices and of testing of the activities, also through the institution of special organisms, assuring articulated modalities and flexibility of meeting and collaboration.

The social management and the working of every Infancy Centre, is expressed through the following organs:

1)Family Assembly

2)Educational Council

3)The Council of the Infancy Centre.


Article 10



         Families Assembly is the main expression of the needs and the expectations of the parents who have sons aged from 0 to 6 years old and the quality of life of the social community.

            Families Assembly has also the task to take decisions about activities and initiatives to undertake ,to promote and develop the awareness of the tasks and of the parents functions and of the social communities as regard the children rights and the families quality of life.


            Families Assembly meet at least 3 times for year:

-         On September, at the beginning of the activity of the Infancy Centre to take vision of the Educational Project -  Plane of the Training offer of every Infancy Centre that comprehends also the Educational Project that characterises every single infancy structure, to talk and  to take decisions about the organization and the management of the service;

-         During the year  to verify the quality service and to propose improvements, changes or new initiatives;

-         On June, at the end of the year, to check the training path of children, to value the realization of the educational and didactic project and to verify  the validity and the efficacy of the organization  and of the management of the Infancy Centre.

-         The Assembly is summoned and charged from the President and/or Director or pedagogic coordinator of the Infancy Centre or from one parent delegated from him.

If is requested the convocation of the Assembly, it must be summoned  by 15 days. In case of inertia , the Assembly is summoned from the pedagogic Coordinator.

The convocation  is realized through written advices to the families that must be put on the entrance of the Infancy Centre not less of 15 days before the date of the reunion.

In the Infancy Centre, where is present the council of nursery , the Assembly establishes the President of the Council of nursery and the 3 parents who represent the needs and the requests from the families of the council itself.


Article 11



         The Educational Council is formed by all the educators of the Infancy Centre and from the Pedagogic Coordinator who presides.

            The Educational Council is a advisory - propositional - decisional organism, that values the quality of the educational and didactic system of the Infancy Centre.


            Educational Council meets periodically, at least 4 times for year, for the planning and the collegial verification of the atmosphere of the Infancy Centre, of the management of the educational project, the whole working of the Infancy Centre, the relations with families, the working of the didactics activities, the initiatives to undertake.


            The educational council, in particular, regards:

-         Value the quality of the educational system of the Infancy Centre and of the training path of children, in relation to their welfare and to their abilities of socialisation and of learning developed;

-         Elaborate the Educational Project  and the relative Didactics Planning, plan the modalities of the working of the service in the Infancy Centre;

-         Realize groups of educators who work together in the same Infancy Centre and who collaborate to the realization of a didactic common planning;

-         Decide the study and the work commission of educators about the different themes of Educational Project, about the elaboration of didactic Projects and about the organization  and the management of the Infancy Centre;

-         Document and diffuse the educational  and didactic activities realized in the Infancy Centres;

-         Communicate to the Families Assembly end eventually to the Council of the Infancy Centre the objectives and the progress of the educational project and signal opportunely the difficulties in the realization  of the project and the working of the service;

-         Decide about the organization of the Infancy Centre in relation to the times and the modalities of the placement of the children, the planning and the verification of the didactics activities;

-         Elect 3 representatives in the Council of the Infancy Centre;

-         Express proposals about the professional update and the training in the service of the educational staff, and initiatives of didactic experimentation and of educational researches lied to it.


To establish initiatives and common actions in the social-cultural ambit or in single sections or with children who have specific problems, the Educational Council can invite experts of the primary infancy service of Local Health Corporation, specialized operators and collaborators external to the reunions.


Article 12



         The council of the Infancy Centre is the organ of promotion, of counselling and of management as regards the organisation of the Infancy Centres.

            The council of the Infancy Centre has the task to value  the quality of the organisation and of the management of the Infancy Centre, while the Educational Council has the task to value the quality of the educational system.

The Council of the Infancy Centre has the following tasks :

-         approve the annual plan of the activities established from the Educational group, acquired opinions and suggestions about the Families Assembly;

-         propose and organise initiatives of involving of the families to the life of the Infancy Centre, inform and sensitise the families about educational problems, about themes of infancy development and  psycho – social dynamics in the relation parents-sons;

-         coordinate the activities of relationships between educators and families, by informing and collaborating in the organizational part  to the individual colloquies and to the meetings between educators and parents;

-         manage, with educators and the pedagogic coordinator, a fund  for the purchase of didactic material for the daily activities of the Infancy Centre and for the educational-training activities;

-         realize every task of management of the Infancy Centre, except the management and the administration of the staff who works in the Infancy Centre.








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Universitad National de TresFebrero

Divisiòn de Posgrados

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